Golf tournament for families

Golf tournament for families


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Golf tournament for families

С радост представяме нашето ново и вълнуващо събитие – голф турнир със семейства на IT Masters Golf Club! Този турнир е идеален за всички, които обичат да играят голф и да прекарват време със своите близки. Той ще се проведе на 23 юли в игрището на Thracian Cliffs Golf & Beach Resort в Балчик.

The registration fee for the tournament is £150 for a single player or £500 for a team of 4. The fee includes:

Places are limited so please register as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you on the field!

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Advanced Golf Tournament

С удоволствие обявяваме, че на 15-16 юни, IT Masters Golf Club ще организира едно от най-големите голф турнири за напреднали в България. Турнирът ще се проведе в едно от най-красивите голф игрища в България - Pirin Golf & Country Club разположено в непосредствена близост до национален парк „Пирин“.
Golf tournament for teams

Golf tournament for teams

We are proud to present the IT Masters Golf Club Team Golf Tournament! This tournament is perfect for anyone who loves to play golf and have fun with friends and colleagues. It will be held on June 15-16 at the Pirin Golf & Country Club course in Bansko.
Golf tournament for families

Golf tournament for families

We are pleased to introduce our new and exciting event - a golf tournament with families at IT Masters Golf Club! This tournament is perfect for everyone who loves to play golf and spend time with their loved ones. It will be held on July 23 at the Thracian Cliffs Golf & Beach Resort course in Balchik.